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We wtorek na gali zorganizowanej z okazji osiemnastych urodzin magazynu Elle pojawiły się gwiazdy, które gościły na okładkach wydawanego w sześćdziesięciu krajach magazynu. Pokazywaliśmy Wam już głęboki dekolt Jennifer Aniston, który przykuł uwagę wszystkich fotoreporterów. Jednak na jubileuszowej imprezie można było podziwiać także inne celebrytki.

Nie zabrakło Reese Witherspoon, Barbry Streisand, Katherine Heigl, Nicole Richie i młodszej siostry bliźniaczek Olsen, Elizabeth. Na elegancki wieczór większość aktorek wybrała kreacje w stonowanych barwach - dominowały czerń i biel. Odrobinę żywszy akcent znalazł się tylko w stylizacji Streisand i Richie. Nie było widać wielu ekstrawaganckich, czy kolorowych strojów.

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13 lat temu
aniston i heigl.
13 lat temu
K. Heigl najładniej
13 lat temu
olsenja ladnie wyglada
13 lat temu
Katherine Heigl jak nic
13 lat temu
zjadłam paczkę krakersów, paczkę herbatników w czekoladzie i idę spać :-D
qVbdcp , [url...
13 lat temu
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UWjY1S entyh...
13 lat temu
UWjY1S entyhzfujpku
aydP7J , [url...
13 lat temu
aydP7J , [url=]wjojjkdxxxnk[/url], [link=]kialwrljfjij[/link],
yaoJpv pbafp...
13 lat temu
yaoJpv pbafpjxtufgb
gny1x0 bwzjh...
13 lat temu
gny1x0 bwzjhjafeyqd
about her, an...
13 lat temu
about her, and the utter pitifulness that I have nointhg better to do at the moment than to comment on both of the above.I took a look at, and while I suppose I will give them a little credit for bad-mouthing Scientology, all in all it makes look like Edward R. Murrow.Britney Spears is nointhg more than a pop culture pinanta. She was groomed for stardom by the Disney organization, and when she began to look more like a woman than a little girl, she was served up on an MTV platter, dressed in a Catholic schoolgirl uniform. Am I the only one who thinks the wardrobe choice in that case was not aimed at her 12 year-old female fan base?I have no point of reference to what she may or not be going through, but if you want to whip out the ole time machine I would gladly transport myself back to age 13 and be a millionaire 5 times over and report back to you on it.I can muster a little sympathy for her as a fellow human, but other than that, this is a row she has been hoeing for years, not something she was shoved into against her will.Like every other crash and burn celebrity wreck that is out there, I'm sure there is some degree of talent underneath it all.I would love to have someone take Michael Jackson into a studio at gunpoint, sit him down at a piano, and make him play an albums worth of stuff. It would likely be the best work he has done in years.These celebrities all have one thing in common, they have the dumb luck of being human at the same time a good chunk of the world is holding them up as ideals.Jackson is a kiddy diddler, Spears is a trailer-park twit with bad implants and career owing everything to a guy who is really good with ProTools.With that said, I still find it incredulous that there remains this cadre of mouth-breathing,self-important morons telling us how the truly care about Brit. Please tell me they are talking about Brit Humes?If the day ever comes where I ask you to read my body of work about Britney Spears, please kill
13 lat temu
a co to za żałoba
13 lat temu
Aniston-twarzyczka do wymiany
13 lat temu
Olsen ma nowy nos? echhhh, żenada z tymi operacjami.
13 lat temu
szału nie ma, staniki nie latają
13 lat temu
Olsen ładna, ale fatalna sukienka, brzydko wygląda w niej.
13 lat temu
zjadłam paczkę krakersów, paczkę herbatników w czekoladzie i idę spać :-D
13 lat temu
Aniston jak pieniek ciosany.
13 lat temu
Heigl slicznie
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