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Małgosia Bela: "Jedyne co w życiu mi sie udało to mój syn"

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Modelka opowiada o karierze i rodzinie.

Małgosia Bela: "Jedyne co w życiu mi sie udało to mój syn"

Małgosia Bela wystąpiła na pokazach oraz w kampanii Alexandra Wanga na jesień-zimę 2013. Polska modelka zagrała także w serii filmików zatytułowanych Alexander Wang's Confessional Series, w którym opowiedziała o drodze na szczyt i macierzyństwie.

Jestem bardzo wymagająca wobec samej siebie. Jestem wymagająca bo miałam wielkie szczęście w moim życiu. Czuję, że na to nie zasługuję – mówi Małgosia i dodaje: Jedyne co w życiu mi sie udało to mój syn. Gdy urodziłam syna ta praca przestała być całym moim światem i paradoksalnie stałam się w tym znacznie lepsza.

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12 lat temu
ona to trochę fenomen. zrobiła taką prawdziwą karierę na "starość" (starość w branży modowej), po urodzeniu dziecka itd. dopiero teraz stała się modelka, można powiedzieć, kultową.
12 lat temu
bardzo mocna, trochę mroczna i androgeniczna uroda. musi budzić skrajne emocje.
12 lat temu
a ja mam pecha w życiu i kasy nie mam i znajomych normalnych tez ;)
12 lat temu
Wspaniała kobieta i modelka.
12 lat temu
gratuluję sukcesów i kariery i wiem, że modelka nie musi być piękna, ale to juz jest turpizm.
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000 - it isn't a lot. It is wrong for any side to claim that win. You never heard of these things a few years ago — now they’re an annual fiasco. for bagging herself a three-bedroom semi at the expense of the taxpayer in which to house her growing brood.I also note that she has a pink Bugaboo pram which last time I looked cost upwards of 800That’s a month’s rent to most people Unless of course you get mugs like you and I to pay for itPutin's very own Bond girlIn keeping with his Bond villain image (why take one warship to the G20 when you can take four) Vladimir Putin has acquired the services of a suitably sultry babe former spy Anna Kushchenko (below) in his propaganda war‘Reporting’ on the might of the army for Russian station Ren TV she smoulders in full make-up alongside various items of heavy artillery including a KalashnikovSubtle she ain’t But neither is Putin It’s a match made in heavenGentlemen a word in your collective lughole: do not I repeat do not be lured into buying a bottle of Lidl’s 4 Suddenly Madame Glamour in place of Chanel’s Coco Mademoiselle — even if experts claim they smell the sameIt won’t seem such a bargain when you find yourself enjoying your Christmas dinner at the bottom of the gardenToo stupid to deserve a dog's loveMy dog Snowy came to us as an unwanted Christmas present His original owners got him off the internet probably from a puppy farmerTheir excuse for getting rid of him was that he was ‘too lively’ I thought that was the whole point of puppiesThe Dogs Trust says the huge increase in online selling has led to thousands of unwanted pets being abandoned in JanuaryExcuses range from ‘He kept chasing frogs’ to ‘He looked different after we walked him in the rain’ and my favourite: ‘He wags his tail too much’Who’s the dumb animalThe best bit of Monday night’s documentary about Tatler (Posh People BBC2) was the editor Kate Reardon explaining her job: ‘I’m a honking great Sloane and we photograph lots of Sloanes’How refreshingly un
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Snake Monster, and are connected to a rectangular body, in South London,To attempt to cover the whole sorry episode in a shroud of official secrecy is nothing less than chilling.Value of the familyAccording to Treasury analysis the big winners from the Coalition raising the personal tax allowance are the 83million households in which both halves of a couple work as they benefit twice overAllowing people to keep more of their own money is of course laudableBut the policy is yet another example of how the Coalition has prioritised two-income familiesMeanwhile couples in which the mother stays at home to raise children have been prevented from getting child care tax breaks and in cases where the father earns more than 60000 stripped of child benefitAs for David Cameron??s very modest tax break for married couples it doesn??t come into force until April and is denied to anybody paying the 40p tax rateIs it too much to hope that in the next Tory manifesto the traditional family might be something more than a reluctant afterthoughtThe defection gameInstead of being rattled by the defection of Ukip MEP Amjad Bashir Nigel Farage went on the offensive yesterday saying he was surprised the Tories had been willing to take a man who his own party had suspended over allegations of financial irregularities and being mixed up with a convicted kidnapperMr Bashir denies the claims ?C some of which date back up to a yearBut we do wonder if in their glee at a defector shifting from Ukip to the Tories and not the other way round proper due diligence was conducted by excitable party officials or chairman Grant Shapps who had to spend the day defending his new recruitThe Tories should worry less about playing political games and concentrate on trying to convince would-be Ukip voters that only Mr Cameron offers a realistic hope of delivering an in/out EU referendumGoogle's Eric Schmidt claims the 'internet will disappear' as everything in our life gets connected Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt has predicted the end of the Inte
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